Μεγαλύνει ἡ ψυχή μου τὸν Κύριον [Luke 1. 46b]

Sunday, March 31, 2013


Saint Mark 16. 1-8
 31 March Anno Domini 2013
Father Watson SSP


In The Name of The Father and of The + Son and of The Holy Ghost

   There was a woman; a very fallen and sad woman. She was doomed. She had not lived her life the way Her Creator and loving Lord had made her so to do.

   Mother Eve had spit on God and His good food to eat the dragon poison. Think of the guilt that she and her mate shared over dooming the entire race of men to tears, pains, deaths and burials.  Think of the anguish to know that YOU have caused the death of your children and grandchildren.

   There was a woman; a very fallen and sad woman.  She was doomed. She had not lived her life the way Her Creator and loving Lord had made her so to do.

   Mary Magdalene may have been a prostitute. But whether fallen “that” way in body, she nonetheless had fallen in wantonness and spiritual lust to such a degree that she had been possessed by the dragon with seven demons.  Her tears and gut-wrenching, and brain-aflame pain must have been horrible—Eve’s sin her sin; Adam’s guilt—her guilt.

   There was a woman; a very fallen and sad woman. She was like you—a sinner; she was like you—doomed to die in her sin. But thanks be to God she had been given the Word of God in Hebrew Scriptures; Holy Prophecies which God the Holy Ghost spake by the prophets. She like many others was waiting for the coming Redeemer promised to Mother Eve all those years before.

   The Lord came to this woman, and took flesh from her flesh and blood from her blood and dwelled in her womb for nine months as He, the Second Person of the Trinity became a man—born of a Virgin.

   This perfect and spotless and obedient and loving Son of Mary was also the Son of the Most High. He came and began fixing all the brokenness and the hurt.  He filled His mother’s life with light and life and she believed He was the eternal heir of David and that His kingdom would last forever. Her supernal joy in her son was tempered only by that strange prophecy of Saint Simeon that her soul would be pierced through with sadness like no other, or no others.

   This God/Man waxed strong in spirit and wisdom, being one with the Paraclete and the Father. This Nazarene Rabbi ushered in a preaching and teaching ministry such as the world had never seen.  This Christ of God named Jesus—Savior, was to announce the arrival of God’s Kingdom.  He called for repentance and good works.  He assembled to His side 12 Apostles and many more devoted followers and disciples.  One who would follow Him forever was the that Mary from Magdala—the Magdalene.  Was she also known as Mary of Bethany?  We will know all identities in heaven. What we do know now is that the Lord healed her from her demonic torture; restored her to a new life and light and joy IN HIM.  Where Christ’s ministry took Him, these faithful women, the Magdalene and the Blessed Virgin were no doubt very close.  The retinue of the “12” may have been in His presence just about every moment, but the faithful women were with Christ during the course of just about every week, if not every day during His three years of service and seeking and saving.

   And then after the joys and thrilling expectations of His heralded entrance to King David’s city on Palmarum, as joyous as was your own experience this Monday past—THE SAME BODY AND BLOOD, the same words from His Godly mouth and hands—it all fell apart.

   He was arrested and bound. He was unjustly and corruptly convicted by agents of Satan. He was mocked, spit upon, slapped around, and punched. He was treated poorly by Government and Church and sentenced to die like a common criminal, between two thieves. But first He was scourged within an inch of His life and had a horrible crown of long razor thorns pressed into His sacred Head.

   Blessed Mary, both of them, were no doubt there when He was marched through the streets to Calvary.  His Mother, the one who had suckled Him and tucked Him in, and played with Him, saw Him nailed down on the wood.  His dear friend the Magdalene who owed Him her life and soul and…everything, heard Him cry out in pain and agony.

   They saw Good Friday and they saw the darkness. They saw His death—the death of God, and they beheld His lifeless corpse.  They saw what Eve’s sin and what your Sin did and meant.


   Augsburgers: Listen, Hear, Believe…HE IS ALIVE, He is not in the tomb, He is in the room—THIS room!  He is not prone and cold but upright and warm, affectionate, smiling, and joyful.  He is not inert and still but moving, teaching, preaching, washing +, clothing, feeding, giving to drink, and embracing. 

   Saint Mary Magdalene saw Him with her own swollen, red, and wet eyes!!!  He talked with her, she touched Him…she touched the same God/Man that will be placed on your very tongues!!!  She, the first missionary of the Gospel, the first trumpeter of the Resurrection, told the “12,” told every creature she could find on that First Day of the Week!  Her story is forever preserved in the Holy Evangels and will be celebrated for eternity in eternity.  He is alive, He is raised, He is victor, He has triumphed over sin, death, the grave, the devil, and all that is broken and lost. Abel now is alive and Jacob’s hip is mended. Both Isaac’s dimming eyes and Samson’s burned-out eyes are restored with 20/20 eagle-eye clarity. Stephen is un-bruised, while the Baptizer, Peter and Paul have heads connected that they might bow to their Risen Head! Rachel weeps no more but chants Holy, Holy, Holy with Sarah, Rebecca and Ruth.  Mother Eve with a smile so broad it makes Noah’s rainbow pale, sings the Hallelujah. The Blessed Virgin’s Magnificat is joined by the celestial choir of Paul, Peter, John, Abraham, Moses, Elijah and the others.  And the Magdalene, she sees Jesus sitting glorified between the Virgin and the Baptizer, reigning, glorified and resplendent, Body and Blood, breath and eyes gleaming, teeth shining, cheeks rising to laugh with joy, and she weeps all the more in pure release and peace and Easter Passover.

   The Magdalene is not in a garden this morning. She is not at a tomb or a place of death. St. Mary of Magdala walks with Christ to this Feast of Life to be with you and yours, as you too, like her, are forgiven, exorcised, strengthened, given joy and embraced with peace which passes understanding.

   For a little while longer you may feel like you are still in a dark garden looking at a cave-side mausoleum, but at This Table, at this banqueting dawn, He touches you; He wipes away your tears; He opens your eyes of faith to His real presence and says: I love you; I am with you always to the end of the age.  


In The Name of The Father and of + The Son and of The Holy Ghost

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