Μεγαλύνει ἡ ψυχή μου τὸν Κύριον [Luke 1. 46b]

Sunday, June 23, 2013

4th Sunday after Trinity: Homily

Saint Luke 6. 36-42
4th Sunday after Trinity: 23 June Anno Domini 2013
Fr Jay Watson SSP

In the Name + of Jesus

    Stop judging people! The 8th Commandment tells you stop doing it! Discern false teaching, repudiate false doctrine, and avoid and mark false teachers…but stop judging people.

   But you don’t. You constantly hate and hurt others. Repent.

   Forgive people! You pray every day (don’t you?) in the Our Father, that you forgive those who trespass against you, so do it! There are no exception or exclusions; you are to remit sins and set people free.

   But you don’t. You hold grudges as if they were badges of integrity and strength and not the leprous stinking sores of sin which all unforgiveness is. Repent.

   Give to your neighbor, your brother yes, but to all your Samaritan neighbors (the Mexicans, Haitians, Blacks, and “non-yous”) that you despise so much. See the face of Christ in the faces of the despised and miserable and give unto them from your bounty.

   But you don’t.  You hoard and amass your own fortune of good works and pious confessions while your neighbor lies dying naked and hungry like the publican, like Lazarus. Repent.

   You can hear the admonitions of the Lord, the exhortations of God in the flesh, and STILL you “old Adam nature” will rebel, obfuscate, and rationalize away the import…because it is still all LAW…”Do!”  And, at some level you know you don’t and can’t “do” what is demanded and required. You fear…and fear hurts, lessens and weakens, and leaves you without peace.

   The Lord is your “Light” and “Salvation;” fear not! Jesus is not mere light and saving, but even better, HE IS IN THE FLESH, “Light of Light” (i.e. God) and “THE” Savior—the Saving One—Christ & Messiah the Redeemer.

   His parable is a story but it’s truth from the lips of THE TRUTH enfleshed. You are condemning, greedy and vengeful because you are blind. You were born dead and blind. Your efforts to lead others from your own “resources” your own programs, disciplines, and “heart” are doomed to end up in the deep ditch of brimstone.

   Jesus the Master leaves the mansion and comes to the ditches of your disobedience and evil deeds. Jesus the Master becomes the servant, the suffering disciple of His Father’s love to do and be the perfect and obedient Second Adam, the True and loving Israel and to pull all of you out of the pit of pain and the ditch of damnation.

  Jesus pulls the beam, the heavy, crushing, splinter filled beam out of your eyes and lives. He takes the burden of your sins and guilt off your head by letting his Sacred head be punctured and His Precious Body be nailed onto the beam. The beam with the spear head of sin is rammed deep into His immaculate Heart so that all dead wood would be removed from your eyes and your hearts. You see and breath again because of the Blood gushing from His five wounds washing away the Five Books of Law that you can’t “do.” He had His piercing eyes shut in death by piercing wooden crucifixion so that when He opened them up again, alive on Sunday, EASTER, your eyes would be forever opened in Him. The sawdust of failure and the stench of rot is washed away + at the font, and the dead wood is alive in the vibrant Green Tree of Life at this Holy Banquet Table. Eat and drink your Master. You are perfect in Him as He is in you!

   Light and Salvation—fear not, Peace to you…

In The Name of The Father and of + The Son and of The Holy Ghost

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