Μεγαλύνει ἡ ψυχή μου τὸν Κύριον [Luke 1. 46b]

Saturday, May 25, 2013


Saint John 3. 1-15
The Feast of the Blessed Trinity: 26 May Anno Domini 2013
Fr Jay Watson SSP

Blessed be the Holy Trinity + and the undivided Unity

Which means: In The Name + of Jesus

   Melanchthon was simply one more brilliant theologian, and faithful Lamb of the Good Shepherd, who uttered a revealed truth: “It is better to adore the mysteries of the Lord than to try and explain them.” Note, he said “mysteries” not revealed truths.  But even revealed truths are simply to be believed as well. They are believed by the power of the Lord Himself, the Lord and Giver of Life—the Holy Ghost—working such faith in Melanchthon’s heart and in yours.

   Another great and brilliant theologian, David Scaer, a “Melanchthon for the 20th & 21st centuries” said “all theology is Christology.” Scaer is right because the Lord is right. The Lord told Saint Philip: “I am.” Christ on other occasions, to the Pharisees and Scribes had also said “I am.” I AM is the Name of God, the LORD, Adonai, revealed to Saint Moses from the burning bush in Exodus. It is a Hebrew verbal-noun that indicates pure existence without beginning or end. I AM is eternal, infinite, alpha and omega, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, creator, Pantocrator, God & Lord. Jesus, Joshua—the one who brings Israel safely across the Jordan into Canaan—tells Phillip “I am The Way, The Truth and The Life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” This Nazarene with flesh and blood (a blood type; eye color, skin with hair follicles) isn’t a wise man with “ways” to verity and health, but is in HIS BEING AND ESSENCE “THE” Way, Life and Truth. Jesus is God. And in this discourse with Philip, Thomas and the others Christ also mentions “The Father” and “The Comforter, the Spirit of Truth.”

   This is revealed Gospel. This is Trinitarian talk. And oh, this is mystery wrapped in mystery, penetrated by mystery. Holy, Holy, Holy.  This Trinitarian awesomeness is why the Seraphim use one of their “three” sets of wings to cover their eyes while they chant the Sanctus; and while they behold the atoning sacrifice of Calvary as well.

   You believe, teach, confess, and die for if required, the Trinity because JESUS is your God and Lord and the very Icon, Face and presence of the Trinity!  If you believe, trust and yes WORSHIP the Lord Christ Jesus, then you believe that He is in the Father, the Father is in Him; that He, Christ, is in you and that you are in Him; that the Holy Ghost is also in and with the Father and the Son and has come to dwell and stand beside you in comforting truth, peace, and endurance!

   All theology, all “God-talk” is Christology, “Christ-talk,” Christ confession and Gospel-ing! Or, as the Apostle wrote to the Colossians: Jesus is the “Image (icon) of the invisible God” (the Father and Spirit and eternally-begotten 2nd Person) and also that: “…in Him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.” [Col 2. 9]

   Art can be beautiful. Schematics and clever designs can illustrate one point at a time but not explain Trinitarian mystery. Triangles, triquetas, trefoils, and Augustinian interloping circles can at one time in one way reject either Tri-theism, or Modalism (two damnable heresies); as well as anathematize the greatest heresy of Arianism! But the only way to receive Trinitarian presence, indwelling, and love is to receive it the way Nicodemus did—in THE FLESH of the God/Man Jesus!

   Christ was talking in mysterious Baptismal talk with this believer named Nicodemus. And though Nicodemus’ rational and logical empirical gifts could not comprehend re-birth, re-generation, and the pure Grace of the Holy Spirit creating faith when and where it pleased God, the God/Man, the Trinity in flesh and blood taught and fellowshipped with this Jewish convert. To be washed in this Three-in-One and One-in-Three is to be placed into the wounds of the one lifted high on the wooden cross. To have the deadly and rotting snake venom of sin, death and the devil, sucked out of your corpses and to live and thrive and be loved again, is to have Jesus, the Apostle of the Trinity, to be lifted up like a cursed snake on the brass pole of Moses, the condemning Law.

   In the end, which wasn’t the end, faithful Nicodemus believed the only way one can, in simple, submissive, worship and trust. Nicodemus came to that pole, that blood drenched crucifix, and helped to remove the body and blood of GOD from the pole and lay Him in the tomb.

   Nicodemus, Joseph, the Magdalene, the Blessed Virgin, John, and all the others, saw the Lord again Alive and resplendent in glory. They continued to meet with Him all the days of their earthly sojourn. And every time they received on their tongues His precious God Body and His Holy God Blood they in their Baptismal re-birth, were washed in The Blessed Trinity—because they were in Jesus and Had Jesus in them.

    God is love writes the Disciple of love, John “the beloved” who had had his head resting on the God/Mans holy breast during…the SUPPER!  Jesus is God testifies the Church. Jesus is love. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son writes the same Apostle! Love is Trinitarian because the Trinity is eternally manifesting love—inter-Trinitarian love which is total mystery, and extra- (outside, toward all mankind) Trinitarian love which is mystery called sacrament. God loved the world “in this way” means in this giving and sharing and self-sacrificing way of loving: washed clean in love, fed in love, strengthened and given rest and peace in love. This love is the Cross because this love is the Body and Blood of the Christ given and shed for you!

Blessed be the Holy Trinity and the + undivided Unity; which simply means In the Name of The Father and of The + Son and of the Holy Ghost; which simply means


Saturday, May 18, 2013


Saint John 14. 23-31
WHITSUNDAY—The Feast of Pentecost: 19 May Anno Domini 2013
Fr. J.W. Watson SSP

In The Name + Jesus

   If a man loves Jesus he will keep His words. What are His words? He is the Word made flesh. Yes keep the Decalogue! Yes love God above all things. Love God with your time, money, effort, and prayers more than your hobbies, interests, addictions, and playthings. Love your neighbor with self-sacrificial love and not just your spouse, children, and parents. But if you love Jesus it means you have faith in Him and that you believe in Him. If you have Jesus The Word inside of you, you will be connected to His words, wills, and desires as well. You will also listen attentively to His preaching and teaching like Saint Mary of Bethany did. If you love Jesus you will confess Him with your body as well as your mind and heart. If you trust in Jesus, love Him, you will receive His gifts the way that He chooses to give them to you. You will attend His corporate Divine Services and you will believe He places into your mouths His Body and Blood. The Father loves you this way, that His Son Who has Him for Father is placed into your ears and body so that you too have Him as Father. You pray the “Our Father” right before the Holy Consecration of the elements.

   So yes, you keep His sayings but this doesn’t mean that you perfectly obey and do…for you don’t. Rather keeping His sayings means that you continue to believe “given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins.” It means that you make the sign of the + Cross and receive the Eucharist in faith, by faith, through faith, repent, are re-invigorated, and resolve to continue the fight.

   As the Holy Ghost inspired and guaranteed the Apostles and Evangelists to preach, teach, and record correctly the person and work of Christ the God/Man, so too the same Spirit inspires you to believe, teach, and confess their witness, and Christ’s miraculous works today through Holy Baptism, Absolution, and Supper.

   The Lord leaves you Peace by leaving you Himself. The Peace that passes understanding is His balm of soothing absolution in His evangel, yes, and His Peace is His bodily presence in the Feast of Peace. Deny Jesus’ words and you call Him a liar. Deny Jesus’ Sacramental last will and testament and you call Him a liar.  If you focus upon sectarian fantasies of Pentecostal “gifts and powers” rather than on The Word of God in Scripture and the Word of God in the appointed Sacraments, and you call Him a liar. If you think God works outside the “means of Grace” you call God a liar. REPENT!

   The Day of Pentecost has arrived and you are all in one accord: One Faith, One Hope, One Lord, One Baptism, and One Confession of the Word, HERE—in this place! 

   The sound of a mighty rushing wind fills this house at this very moment. It is the sound of the Paraclete comforting you through the wind of the voice from Christ’s under-shepherd. The tongues of fire flicker on your head NOW even as they ever have since the day of your death + and re-birth! You are filled with the new tongues and language of love and forgiveness; of confession of sins and confession of truth!  Your lips have been opened by Christ and you sing His praises! Overland Parkers, and Olathians, and Shawnee-ites, and the dwellers in Lawrence and Leavenworth, and in Lenexa and the Plaza, you do hear now the wonderful works of God.  Your disobedience has been satisfied and completed by Jesus’ obedience; your sins have been punished by Christ’s substitutionary punishment and death.

   You hear the wonder that you are home, that you have a family, that you have a tender Redeemer Who wipes away your tears and feeds you and clothes you and Who will never, ever leave you comfortless. The Paraclete anchors you in Christ’s Words and Wounds and you have blessed assurance.  You are filled with this Spirit and now you will be filled again, not with new wine, but with the wine that is the Eternal and Life-Giving Blood of Jesus.

In The Name of The Father and of + The Son and of The Holy Ghost

Saturday, May 11, 2013

EXAUDI: Homily

Saint John 15.26-16.4
Exaudi: 12 May Anno Domini 2013
Fr Jay W. Watson SSP

In The + Name of Jesus

   If you don’t think (i.e. believe, teach, and confess—to the point of death) that Jesus is here, then you shouldn’t be here.  If you don’t believe that Christ the God/Man is really here, in more than “spirit” and fuzzy warm feelings, then you can have those in the comfort of your living rooms with your latte and I-pads.

   Only sectarians and works-righteous synergists go to church because they feel they “have to!” Evangelical royal priests, kin of the Nazarene, come Sunday after Sunday, through thick and thin, coughs and sneezes, heart-aches and heart diseases, ups and downs, because THIS IS where God the Son IS: FOR YOU! 

   If you were blind would you still be in the presence of Jesus, of me, of your fellow parishioners? Yes, of course. If you were deaf would you still be in the presence of the Word, of my actions, of your neighbors activities? Yes, of course.

   God promised His Disciples that He would send them the Comforter. He did. Jesus promised the “12” that He would send the Holy Ghost, the Ghost of Truth.  He did.  The Third Person of the Trinity, the invisible breath of the God-head, yet an individual “person” with an actual distinct and separate personality, proceeded from the Father by the actions of the Son in time, in a temporal way (we call it Pentecost!).  This is not to be confused with the eternal “spiration” (breathing) procession of the Holy Spirit from both the Father AND THE SON (filioque), which occurs mysteriously within the Godhead from eternity and to which the Latin Western Church confesses in the Nicene Creed against the Arian heretics to this very day!

   God the Holy Ghost is invisible but always busy and active in protecting and enlightening you.  The Spirit breathes into you and breathe in you, breathes into you Jesus’ Words and creates and sustains your very faith—your heart, lungs, reins, soul of BELIEF!

   No one says Jesus Christ is Lord except by the Spirit. That means no one believes Jesus is God and Savior except the Holy Ghost creates faith.  The Spirit dwells in your body making it His tabernacle or tent—a Temple of Faith; a lantern of light—Christ the true light. 

   Jesus said to the “12” that they would bear witness because they had been with Him from the beginning. They were literally with Him from the beginning of His public Ministry when John Baptized Him in the Jordan; and they, like Philip sitting beneath the ‘fig tree,’ were with Him from the beginning as “elect” and predestined to faith and salvation IN CHRIST from all eternity! 

   The “12” gave their of their lives preaching and teaching; they gave their lives as witnesses—MARTYRS shedding their blood in imitative cruciform visible testimony of the Christ’s Saving Atonement. Any Christian can, should and must witness with his words.  And some are so blessed that they witness with their bloody sufferings and deaths.

   I speak these things to you this week, and every week, that you should not be offended.  The giving away of earthly goods be they food, clothing, medicine, housing, cash, friendship and empathy are NOT offensive.  The Church must do these things, but, even pagans are kind and sharing to other pagans.  Dispensing wisdom and understanding is not offensive.  Power, authority and “sovereignty” are not offensive in and of themselves.  The Cross of Jesus is offensive—it is a scandal, a “stumbling stone.”  The Blood of God which is what it took to forgive you and restore you is offensive to Old Adam.  The Body of God sliced and diced like the sacrificial lamb that He was is offensive to your sinful natures as much as it is to the heathens. The “particularity” of Christ: “no one comes to the Father but by the Son,” is offensive! The crucifix offends sectarians as does the truth of the Sacrament of The Altar—and its attendant closed communion practice of the Church Catholic.  The Truth offends as it has no compromise with falsehood or sin!

   But you have a Comforter who stands by you as you live your life as Jesus’ brothers and sisters. You will be put out, tossed out, chased out, murdered out of men’s synagogues but you will always have a home and refuge, and mighty fortress in the Lord’s Church—In His pastures of forgiveness and peace; at His pulpit, font, and most especially His altar.

   Jesus is with you. You can’t see Him, much as when a sick child falls asleep in its bed it can no longer “see” the loving Father seated at the side.

   Be comforted now, once again, by the Holy Ghost. He calls you in forgiveness and restoration. He calls you in Jesus’ Word of love and says come to the feast to receive your God and Lord!

In The Name of The Father and of + The Son and of The Holy Ghost

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Saint Mark 16. 14-20; Acts 1. 1-11
The Feast of The Ascension of Our Lord: 9 May Anno Domini 2013
Fr. Jay Watson SSP

In The Name + of Jesus

    Christ ascended; was elevated by the Father for you—to fill you and seat you at the right hand of the Father.

    Before Genesis the Holy Trinity was ascension in love; elevated in perfect inter-communitarian mystery: I AM. In out-flowing love the Creator LORD made man in His Image; the image of the Trinity…yes…but more so In the Image of The Son. 

   The Holy Ghost hovered first over the face of the deep and then over the ground where the Father breathed His Image, His Son into dirt; wet it with the spittle of His “mouth” and made Adam—made Adam perfect and sinless.  The Lord elevated man; ascended him up out of the ground to be His brother and co-heir of the Father; and walked with him in the cool of the day; ate with him and his mate in paradise.  You are headed back!

   This is where it, you, everything is headed; this is your terminus, goal, and final denouement!  The ascension isn’t a Bible story about a traveling away Jesus but the final piece of the Pierced God’s actions to bring you back to Eden; to perfection; to His side; to eat, drink, talk, laugh, and be filled with Him!

    Mans flesh, Adam’s flesh, was made to dwell with God—with the Holy Trinity, and most specifically with the Son of God in perfect communion.  Not man’s spirit, not man’s nature, not man’s personality or brain waves, (though to be sure they are all part of the “package”) but MANS flesh and blood and concrete self! And not just Adam’s flesh but all his children—all of you were to sit with the Lord.  Adam fell. You fell. All flesh is now as grass: corruptible, putrescent, rotting and dying flesh.

    So God to redeem Adam and you, redeems the real, full, total, REAL PRESENCE of Adam, you and all flesh by becoming Flesh—true man born of the Virgin Mary.  The Incarnation (the Feast of the Annunciation), the Nativity (The Christ-Mass), the Atonement (Good Friday), the Pascha (The Easter Resurrection), all lead up to tonight: The Feast of The Ascension, which then floods over on all of you, us, on Pentecost—Baptism—Preaching—Absolving—and Eating the Eucharist!

    The Second Person was ascended into the young Nazarene girl’s womb and took from her sinful body Flesh and Blood and elevated it in/with/under His divine perfection uniting His now human nature with His God nature in the perfect Personal Union of the One God/Man.  In the Incarnation and Nativity human flesh and blood regained dignity and worth, while the process of the total Redemption and reunion marched on.  The salvation continued when Christ, with not just his feelings and mental thoughts suffered and paid for your transgressions; but with His actual Body and real Blood (spewing all over Body, the wooden cross, and soaking into Calvary) suffered and died.  He ascended of His own free will onto the crossbeam of the crucifix; elevated as the true Host of Heaven’s own payment in His immaculate propitiation.  He ascended in spikes and nails, and was elevated to give to the Virgin, and Saint John, and all the Holy Church forgiveness of sin, absolution from Adam’s treason and of your daily betrayals.

   Christ ascended on the Third Day, out of death, out of the tomb, out of the chains of the horizontal hell that fallen flesh had been captured by.  Not a ghost appeared to the 12 in the upper room, but the SAME flesh and blood God/Man, the real actual and identical Jesus in the flesh that had come forth from the tabernacle of Mary’s womb that had obeyed and atoned on the prior Friday.  Jesus’ vivified and restored life now shone un-encumbered, no longer humiliated, in His now forever Glorified Body.  BUT THE POINT of the Ascension is that it is also NOW YOUR BODY!  The Second Person of the Trinity didn’t resurrect flesh because He needed it but because you do.  That rebirth is not temporary. That living Lord did not resurrect so that He could continue to wander around Judea doing good things and kicking the Roman heathens back to Italy.

   Jesus’ Body is your Body.  It is the Church Catholic as well as His own arms, legs, feet, hands and face.  It is both Mary and John; it is both the Apostolic Band and their hearers at Pentecost and at 9 May Anno Domini 2013!

   So, this isn’t history or theory, this is now, and in a moment…and soon in all fullness: the Feast to come with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!  Jesus didn’t ascend away from His flock but rather lifted Himself up from His own localized Body to fill the Body of His entire Church through the bodies of His appointed Apostles—that is, through His Preached Word and His Sacramental Word—Christ’s Body and Blood elevated in trumpeted proclamation, and elevated at Holy Altar to be worshipped and most definitely to be eaten and drunk!  Jesus did not ascend up to a distant heaven but ascended out of ONLY Jerusalem to All His Chancels and Altars and Fonts and Pulpits and People’s Communion Feasts!  His visible Paschal Candle Flame isn’t really gone, just invisible to the eyes in the head as His “flame” His Holy Spirit which gives Him out IN all His fullness has simply ascended to this place—this Altar—this Chalice and paten!  As it flickered over the heads of Peter and company, as it flickered over our font the last 5 weeks, it now burns brightly in all this parish in His Word! He fills all things with His glorified and Godly Body and Blood, perfect flesh of the perfect God/Man.  You eat and drink the risen, living and glorified Jesus.   

   When Saint Simeon was given God into His hands by the Church—Saint Mary, Theotokos, He elevated His God and Lord as Host of the Mass of Mercy—the forgiveness of sins—the consolation of Israel. When the Christ Ascended in the old man’s hands His Flesh was elevated and so was Mary’s.  When I receive God into my hands by the Word, I elevate Our Lord and God as Host of this Mass of Mercy. Christ ascends to this Altar to fill you.

  You are ascended and elevated to the throne room of the Trinity, You sit at the right hand of the Father—your flesh, forgiven and restored in Christ’s.

In The Name of The Father and of + The Son and of The Holy Ghost

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Some "At Night" Prayerful Poetry - - -

[With apologies to Alice Meynell 1847-1922]

by Jay Watson

Here, here from the deep Heavens pure and clear,

  Righteous His soft robes sweep;

Lambs in the washing of The Shepherd’s wounds dear

  To guard in peaceful sleep.


Oh, which gift shines brightest from Christ’s merit

  From pierced Body of The Lord?

Baptized in The Father, Son and Spirit

  Christ’s Word to me, His Word!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

ROGATE: Homily

Saint John 16. 23-30
ROGATE: 5 May Anno Domini 2013
Fr JW Watson SSP

In The Name of The Father and of + The Son and of The Holy Ghost

   There were many times when your Lord spoke in parables and proverbial truisms. It was usually to preach the Law against smarmy self-righteous know-it-alls such as Pharisees, Scribes, Sadducees and hypocritical Lutherans.  Sometimes the Lord even employed “deeper meanings within meanings” when He spoke to His own Disciples. When the Lord’s words were not crystal clear and transparent to man’s reason, rational and high functioning brain-power and sensory inputs, they were nonetheless as direct and clear as a mother’s love to a newborn babe.  The faith of the “little ones” and the simple—saved by Grace, knew and grasped the Messiah’s message!

    What “day” is it that the Lord is talking about when He told the “12” that, when it came, they would ask Him nothing, but rather ask the invisible Father—The Father of their risen Lord and God? 

   The Christ is first talking about the day we will celebrate this Thursday evening at 7:00 pm called The Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord.  He is also talking about every day for His flock after that—including right now—THIS DAY!

   When Jesus was present visibly to the senses, right in front of the eyeballs, one didn’t ask the Rabbi “things” in “His Name” but rather simply asked Him to His face—His own countenance (which looked like the Blessed Virgin’s Son; His Human Nature in His humility). 

   Now, post His return to the Right Hand of Power, His disciples still have Him present, really present, but invisible to empirical aural communication. Now the Apostles, all the flock, exercise their Holy Spirit fueled gift of faith by praying to God.  You pray to your Heavenly Father, Jesus’ Father, IN HIS NAME.  You invoke, call upon,  and ask for ALL mediation and intercession IN HIS NAME.

   Because The Christ loves you, His Father loves you. The Father loved you before the beginning too; as did the Son.  The Father loved you in such a way that He sent His Son to be Jesus. Jesus means Savior. Jesus has saved you by giving His life for you; by then giving His Body and Blood for you in suffering and death.

   God promises you joy not earthly happiness. Joy is a spiritual condition of Christ-conscious contentment.  You have communion with your Heavenly Father, His Son, and the Spirit. You have Peace which goes beyond the scientific, the world, and the definable.  Christ gives you brothers and sisters who are to love you as themselves and bear your burdens with you and for you.

  Pray ye!  Pray to your God and Lord.  Ask the Father for the things you need IN The Name of Jesus.  You need Grace.  You need faith.  You need perseverance and strength to the end of your days—God willing martyrdom.  You need Jesus’ Presence for you. You need the forgiveness of sin, your daily sins, and the blessed assurance of salvation.  You need life, right now, and heavenly splendor hereafter. Pray ye!

In The Name of The Father and of + The Son and of The Holy Ghost