Saint Luke 16.
9th Sunday after Trinity: 28 July Anno
Domini 2013
Fr. Jay Watson
In The Name + of
Christ commends the unjust steward, not
for being unjust, but for being a steward. The Lord approves of his dealing
shrewdly—prudently, with the gifts and skills he had, and with the trust and
reliance he still had in his master—the rich man.
Jesus is clear to Moses when He wrote with
His finger on stone: “thou shalt not
steal,” “thou shalt not covet,” and
that lying, deceiving and using false scales was trespass against the His holy
But Christ tells you this morning that if even an accused, soon-to-be-fired,
disgraced and wasteful steward can be wise in self-preservation; can make to
himself friends with the mammon in his hands, so too you as children of
light can insure everlasting habitations in heaven and eternal friends of the
Heavenly Host! For you have a better Steward!
For you, as you, can NOT do it,
can NOT insure it. You are not faithful stewards but thieves. You constantly
fight the urge to even “fess up” to
your own pilfering and embezzlement. You waste the goods which have been placed
into your un-just hands: you waste the Scriptures by not treasuring them in
reading, meditation and prayer; you waste Holy Absolution in not availing
yourselves of daily contrition, remembrance of Baptismal regeneration, and
private confession; you waste the Lords’ Eucharist by not always attending
Blessed Mass.
“Behold God is mine helper.” Yes He
Jesus feeds His Disciples with His words,
His parabolic wisdom which is Righteousness that saves and
sustains. Jesus is the rich man, God of very God, being of the same substance
with the Father, who for all the damning accusation made against you (which are
all true) came down from heaven to rescue you. Jesus knows that you can give no
account for your “old-Adam”
misfeasance, malfeasance, and mis-stewardship. Jesus knows that you cannot
dig—that all your good works are dust in the wind and that all your “righteous deeds” are like filthy rags.
Jesus knows that you won’t even beg properly, because to beg would be to admit
a need for mercy—a recognition of falleness which your pride eschews.
Jesus the rich man leaves Heaven’s mansions
and descends to your imminent ruin and intervenes. Jesus becomes accused for you and stands convicted
off all your crimes. Jesus pays on your accounts, not with gold or silver but
with His precious Body nailed to a tree; not with measures of oil and wheat but
with His innocent Blood canceling all your debts.
He Who is Light
of Light, the Light of the World, the Life that lightens your own eyes and your
now FORGIVEN consciences, became dark unto suffering and death—dark in the
burial shroud and cave of Joseph’s tomb. Jesus the Wisdom of God became a
foolish scandal and accursed criminal to make you not just “technically not-guilty” but INNOCENT and Righteous once again to
the Rich Man of Our Father Who art in
Not only then,
A.D. 30, but now and forever Jesus
is your Good and Godly steward. Jesus the ever Servant-Savior makes you His friends,
makes you friends with The Holy Ghost and His beloved Father; makes you friends
with the angels and saints in the everlasting habitations.
Jesus starts with the humble mammon of His
creation, now unrighteous in the falleness of sin: water, wine, and bread.
Jesus attaches, places His very Word and Self into these elements and His
Righteousness is now the Righteousness of the Sacraments, The Word tangible, to
give you the tangible God/Man and the tangible Peace and Home.
In The Name of
The Father and of + The Son and of The Holy Ghost